Sunday, November 15, 2009

Recent Club Announcements

Kerry will be in the SFS Office at 5 PM today to collect checks for Sundance. If you can't make it at 5, slide your check under the door sometime today and she will email you to confirm she got it.

Statements of how you're contributing to the club can be emailed or turned in hard copy at 5 PM.


Join SFS for two great movie screenings!

Bad Lieutenant
Tuesday, November 17
8:00 PM, Cubberley

Thursday, December 3
8:00 PM, Cubberley

Sunday, May 17, 2009

HelloMovies (Featured Link)

check out this awesome new startup 
founded by Stanford grads:

" HelloMovies is a website that enables users to discover and interact with films. Our site is used by movie fans ranging from the casual movie watcher looking for a comedy to watch with friends to the movie fanatic searching for the most obscure Italian giallo horror. HelloMovies is based in Palo Alto, CA and was founded in 2007 by a group of students who watched too many movies in college. "

(click below to visit this great site!)


Join SFS! / Get On The Mailing List

Our board meetings currently take place in the SFS office in the Toyon Eating Clubs (see map below), Sundays at 5pm. Anyone interested in joining the SFS is welcome to attend!

How to Get On the SFS Mailing List

Sign up for the Stanford Film Society e-mail list by sending an e-mail message with "subscribe sfs" in the body to

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Past Events by SFS, 2008-2009

Spring Break Hollywood Trip
Sundance Film Festival Trip 
January 2009
Thanks to Jason Richman for organizing this!

United Nations Association Film Festival
"Blue Planet, Green Planet"
October 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beginning Filmmaker's Workshop

SFS hosts an introductory film production class entitled SFW. The workshop teaches basic film editing skills and techniques for those with little or no experience.

The class runs fall and winter quarter, and starts next week. Applications are due this Friday, October 24.

Perks of SFW:
1) Full access to SFW camera and film equipment.
2) Learn how to use Final Cut Pro and the iMovie editing program.
3) Team up, become friends, and network with other students interested in making movies.
4) Get all of the resources and support (and funding!) you need to make a movie for spring quarter's Stanford Student Film Festival.
5) Fun! (But you knew that).

The workshop is taught by Stanford undergrads Ryan Patton ( and Michael Zeligs ( Email them with questions or concerns.

Advanced Filmmaker's Workshop

The Advanced Filmmaker's Workshop (AFW) takes place on Thursday evenings at 8:30 p.m. in the Stanford Film Society office. This workshop is for those who have had experience with making films or with using iMovie (the Beginner's Workshop is for those who have had NO experience). In this workshop, you will learn how to use Final Cut Pro. If you are interested in participating, or just have any general questions, e-mail Abteen Bagheri-Fard at

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How to Get On the SFS Mailing List

Sign up for the Stanford Film Society e-mail list by sending an e-mail message with "subscribe sfs" in the body to